Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Matthew 5:7 KJV
Mercy can be defined as not getting what one deserves. Praise God for His mercy that endures forever and is new every morning. As born again believers, we have received ultimate display of mercy. Jesus bore our sin and death that we so rightly deserve. As we journey through this life, God continues to show mercy. His desire is that we show mercy as well. What has been freely given to us, we ought to freely give to others. Glory to God, there is still mercy to be received and given. One day, we as blood bought children of God, will make our journey to the beautiful city of God. We will be in perfect fellowship with Him and see Jesus face to face. Oh what mercy! Take time today to meditate on His mercies and be merciful. I love you.
Stay Hungry! Stay Thirsty! Stay Filled!